

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

četvrtak, 9. travnja 2015.

Yearbook School "Gheorghe Lazar"

The emergence of the book "Pe aripile prieteniei" dedicated bilateral Comenius Project "Empowering youth through media" is reason for celebration in Middle School "Gheorghe Lazar" because students and teachers through the effort was made this publication, now our institution business card .

Yearbook, one of the final products is intended as an expression of continuity, cultural and scientific dialogues, the activities within the project "Empowering Youth Through Media" and is one of the final products. Some of the articles are written both in Romanian and in English to be accessible to partners Belica, Croatia.

srijeda, 1. travnja 2015.

Preparing to visit in Romania

We are awaiting our friends from Belica. More and more parents are involved in the preparations.

Congratulations for the interpretation the song in Romanian!