This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
subota, 14. lipnja 2014.
ponedjeljak, 9. lipnja 2014.
četvrtak, 5. lipnja 2014.
Croatia 02-11.05.2014
It was great and it is a pleasure for me to remember of this!
Thanks the team of Belica!
Claudia Radu
ponedjeljak, 2. lipnja 2014.
Škola animiranog filma Čakovec
Students and teachers from Belica and Romania (Zalau, Transilvania) visited SAF studio on 7th of May, during their common EU project. Among all other programs, teachers organized one day animated film workshop in SAF during which Edo Lukman introduced the history and methods of working of SAF studio and some of the animation basics as well as few techniques of animation. Children watched and analized few SAF movies and then tried to make some small animations in cut-out and drawing animation technique.http://safcakovec.com/en/
Claudia Radu
nedjelja, 1. lipnja 2014.
Workshops at the Professional School for Animation Film of Čakovec
In this bilateral Comenius project "Empowering Youth Through Media" the team of students and teachers from Secondary School "Gheorghe Lazar" Zalau (Romania) and Primary School in Belica (Croatia) had the chance to attend workshops at the Professional School for Animation Film (Animated Film Schol) of Čakovec. Our hosts: Mr. Edo Lukman and Mrs. Jasminka Bijela showed us short films made by children, some of which were awarded, they took us from “the kitchen” of techniques, the approaching procedures of a scenario and analysis of a film, to work itself, and we went through each stage controlled by curiosity. We were very pleased when every child watched his own creation: 2-3 seconds of animation!
Claudia Radu